A BRAZILIAN COURT BANS EVERQUESTAs for EverQuest, Procon states that it "takes the gamer to complete moral conflict and 'heavy' psychological conflicts; for the tasks that are given to them could be bad or good...Violent videogames that use violence are capable of forming agressive individuals, making it evident that is strong its influence on psyquism, reinforcing aggressive attitude against certain individuals and social groups."
BWAH!!! Moral conflicts?! Violence?! Just because EQ players sometimes
beat up little girls and
steal their nighties doesn't mean EQ creates aggressive individuals!
"Reinforcing aggressive attitudes against certain individuals and social groups"?! It's not my fault gnomes and halflings suck!
EVERYONE hates em!Bwah!!! I am outraged, I tell ya! Outraged enough to post on my blog after all these months!!!
(But omg, EQ is still important enough to get banned O_O)