Wednesday, February 28, 2007

There is still *sniff* hope...


*cough*'ve thought of the perfect birthday present :D You see, it would make me very happy if someone could:

a) Miraculously heal a certain Arsenal player's broken metatarsal before March 7 or...
b) Go to Eindhoven and BREAK THE LEGS OF ALL THE PSV PLAYERS (also before March 7 ^_____^)

I kid, I kid, of course...Aha. Ha. Ha.


*goes back to sniffling*

Ah, vanity...

Yay! Birthday present from my mom! ^___^

Damn, I really take crappy photos >_<

Monday, February 26, 2007


Chelsea 2-1 Arsenal

Well, at least Arsenal played well...wish the fight didn't break out though T___T

There's only one video that can cheer me up right now: it okay to make fun at Terry now that he's okay? :P Bwah, I'll save it for later. Here's what happened yesterday:

Seriously though, I really feel sorry for...Diaby. He felt so guilty about kicking Terry...awwwwwww... =/

Walcott's goal was great, just had to link it:

EDIT: Oh, and here's something I drew. BWAH! at loud neighbors XP

Friday, February 23, 2007


Okay, I understand that image verification on websites is supposed to prevent bots from spamming and crap, but the images are becoming more and more illegible. Sometimes I can't tell if something's uppercase or lowercase, and sometimes they're so distorted that I can't even tell what letter the shape's supposed to be.

And it gets worse. I mean, WHAT IN THE NAME OF CRAP IS THIS?

How on earth am I supposed to type in *triangular wedge*-O-E-O?! Am I being stupid and missing something blatantly obvious (highly likely -_-)?!


Side note: Some funny/cool YouTube videos I found...

Cause laughing at emos is fun :P


Wow...Marluxia actually sounds manly...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Debating whether or not to see this'll either restore my faith in The Simpsons or utterly destroy my fond childhood memories of the show...

Kinda cool to see movie-quality animation for The Simpsons, though.

EDIT: Speaking of restoring faith (or lack thereof),

PSV Eindhoven 1 - 0 Arsenal

T___T I'm going to the Arsenal vs. PSV game on March 7 (Note: 1 day after my birthday), so if Arsenal don't win and get through to the next round, I WILL NOT TAKE IT WELL AT ALL O_O

Monday, February 19, 2007

I hate widgets.

So I did a new layout for the blog...not sure how much I like it -_- And those stupid widget tools on the sidebar won't go away, bah.

*walks off grumbling*

EDIT: Yay! Fixed! (kind of)

Sunday, February 18, 2007


So a month ago, I had bought tickets to the Arsenal vs. Man City game which was supposed to be played sometime in late January (I forgot the exact date).

Well, the game got postponed to Feb. 14th - not a big deal.

But then, Arsenal had to replay against Bolton on Feb. 14th, so they move the Arsenal vs. Man City game to Feb. 28th - getting slightly annoyed...

BUT THEN, due to subway construction, THEY HAD TO POSTPONE THE GAME AGAIN to who knows when O____O""""

Only one image can sum up this feeling:

In other Arsenal news, I went to Arsenal vs. Blackburn on Saturday - they tied T_T

Random picture of the start of the match - at least I got a great seat! :D

In OTHER other Arsenal news, the team got to visit the Queen :P Link HERE - some of the photos are really funny :P

Last bit of news - I added Lackadaisy to the links on the left. READ IT! O_O

EDIT: Decided to switch to the new version of Blogger, hence the crappy layout...I'll fix it later :P

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


The News

The *cough* "Lawyer"

The Result

Stop trying to take advantage of tragic circumstances, godammit! It's like some twisted form of ambulance-chasing!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Influx of disturbing videos!

Some things just shouldn't mix. Things like Les Mis and snowmen.

Side note: Tenth Anniversary Concert was good, though :P

But things like Les Mis and Legos shouldn't mix.

Things like Les Mis and Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel of "How I Met Your Mother."


But there are some things that ESPECIALLY SHOULDN'T MIX. THINGS LIKE THIS.
