Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lookit mah new desktop

Official artwork of Soul Calibur 3: The Lost Cathedral ^___^ Heh, I even made it into an HTML wallpaper so that I could have all my links on it O_O Just wish the normal icons didn't look so ugly on HTML wallpapers...

Yes, this is what gaming withdrawal does to me...I'm starting to get all nostalgic about playing EQ again, reminiscing about zones I haven't even been to and probably will never get to O_O""" For example:

Friday, January 25, 2008


Taken from a recent chat with the EQ developers:

MMORPGBot: phantasy asks, "Are the rumors that EQ2 is being integrated into EQ1 to make a "supergame" true?"
[EQ]Rashere: Completely false. Where do these rumors come from? It's actually merging EQ, EQOA, EQ2, and Star Wars to make the true "supergame". Froglok Jedis FTW.
[EQ]Merloc: I'm working hard on creating a new set of Epic Lightsabers that will be introduced into EverQuest in the next expansion.
[EQ]Prathun: Star Wars will form the body of the intergalactic supergame, EQ2 and EQOA become the limbs, and EQ will form the head.
[EQ]Merloc: Look for a new "Speederbike Mount" in the next LoN card set as well.
[EQ]Nodyin: Where's my cymbal-crash emote?
Well, at least SOME game developers see the hilarity and general wrongness of merging fantasy with Star Wars -_-
Katsutoshi Sasaki:When we thought about what guest characters would fit in the Soul Calibur universe, we naturally ended up with Vader and Yoda.
Goddamn you, Namco.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh, bull... D:

As for EverQuest, Procon states that it "takes the gamer to complete moral conflict and 'heavy' psychological conflicts; for the tasks that are given to them could be bad or good...Violent videogames that use violence are capable of forming agressive individuals, making it evident that is strong its influence on psyquism, reinforcing aggressive attitude against certain individuals and social groups."

BWAH!!! Moral conflicts?! Violence?! Just because EQ players sometimes beat up little girls and steal their nighties doesn't mean EQ creates aggressive individuals!

"Reinforcing aggressive attitudes against certain individuals and social groups"?! It's not my fault gnomes and halflings suck! EVERYONE hates em!

Bwah!!! I am outraged, I tell ya! Outraged enough to post on my blog after all these months!!!

(But omg, EQ is still important enough to get banned O_O)