Friday, January 25, 2008


Taken from a recent chat with the EQ developers:

MMORPGBot: phantasy asks, "Are the rumors that EQ2 is being integrated into EQ1 to make a "supergame" true?"
[EQ]Rashere: Completely false. Where do these rumors come from? It's actually merging EQ, EQOA, EQ2, and Star Wars to make the true "supergame". Froglok Jedis FTW.
[EQ]Merloc: I'm working hard on creating a new set of Epic Lightsabers that will be introduced into EverQuest in the next expansion.
[EQ]Prathun: Star Wars will form the body of the intergalactic supergame, EQ2 and EQOA become the limbs, and EQ will form the head.
[EQ]Merloc: Look for a new "Speederbike Mount" in the next LoN card set as well.
[EQ]Nodyin: Where's my cymbal-crash emote?
Well, at least SOME game developers see the hilarity and general wrongness of merging fantasy with Star Wars -_-
Katsutoshi Sasaki:When we thought about what guest characters would fit in the Soul Calibur universe, we naturally ended up with Vader and Yoda.
Goddamn you, Namco.

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