Saturday, June 30, 2007


Note to self: Learn how to adjust the settings on camera to make things look prettier.

*spine snaps in half*

Yeah, this took a lot of time to make. Including 1.5 hours of beating cream to make whipped cream icing - which I only used a little of cause putting freshly whipped cream into fridge for too long = BAD. But now at least I know I can make whipped cream :D Not as sweet as the ones made from cake mixes, which is good, but could maybe use more sugar :P Also needs to be lighter and moister >_<


I dun wanna put it in the fridge cause I'm a'scared that my flatmates will ruin it D: I mean, I don't mind if they eat it, as long as they cut it properly and stuff... T___T

EDIT: I take back what I said about the sweetness. After eating a few more slices, I have concluded that it is just right :D

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I am D:


T_________________T'll be okay...we still have lotsa great players... (hopefully they won't leave too T___T)


Anyways, now on to *sniff* happier things. After reading THIS article (thanks Eileen :P), I decided to examine Hilton's handwriting in more detail. Here's what I found (click for bigger version):

Monday, June 18, 2007


So someone found cheat codes for KH2: Final Mix that let you substitute Goofy and/or Donald for boss characters. Thing is, these bosses stay as bosses instead of becoming party members :P

So you get stuff like Sora vs. three Xigbars, Sora vs. Saix, Axel and Axel, and my personal favorite, Sora getting severely raped:

This looks like a job for apulapul2000! Who recently managed to beat Terra in 44 seconds O_O

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Finally, some progress(ion)

Woot, raided Plane of Torment tonight and killed Saryrn!!!

Saryrn - The Mistress of Torment and Pain
Born a woman of striking beauty, she now rules the Demi-Plane of Pain, a hot, damp and uncomfortable place...Saryrn busies herself by spending personal time with those cursed enough to live in her realm. She captures and torments her subjects mentally and physically and completely at random. The length of their torment before she releases them again, is also completely random - based mainly upon her whims. Those who fall into her hands may suffer but a few moments or for months at a time. All live with the fear that at any time, she may choose them as a partner.
Some sources also indicate that she is a REALLY pissed off ex-girlfriend :P

Some pics:

At the start of the raid, zoning into the Plane - lake of blood and a fine bloody mist in the air :P

Saryrn herself (way in the background, cause we hadn't started fighting her yet)

Plus I got a Baton of Torment off Salczek the Fleshgrinder XD Itssso pretttyyy...

Oooo...and about a week ago, I also went on a mini-raid against Xanamech Nezmirthafen:

No actual pics, but woot! Killshot!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Ph34r teh DEATH ERASAH!!!

So I found the Death Note pilot (Chapter 0) was funny :P My favorite parts, click to enlarge:

I'm so glad the Death Eraser didn't make it into the canon :P

Lol, cheap quiz thingy

So yeah, Chapter 0 is quite lame in comparison to the actual DN series :P