Sunday, June 17, 2007

Finally, some progress(ion)

Woot, raided Plane of Torment tonight and killed Saryrn!!!

Saryrn - The Mistress of Torment and Pain
Born a woman of striking beauty, she now rules the Demi-Plane of Pain, a hot, damp and uncomfortable place...Saryrn busies herself by spending personal time with those cursed enough to live in her realm. She captures and torments her subjects mentally and physically and completely at random. The length of their torment before she releases them again, is also completely random - based mainly upon her whims. Those who fall into her hands may suffer but a few moments or for months at a time. All live with the fear that at any time, she may choose them as a partner.
Some sources also indicate that she is a REALLY pissed off ex-girlfriend :P

Some pics:

At the start of the raid, zoning into the Plane - lake of blood and a fine bloody mist in the air :P

Saryrn herself (way in the background, cause we hadn't started fighting her yet)

Plus I got a Baton of Torment off Salczek the Fleshgrinder XD Itssso pretttyyy...

Oooo...and about a week ago, I also went on a mini-raid against Xanamech Nezmirthafen:

No actual pics, but woot! Killshot!

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