Friday, March 21, 2008

...what exactly is Namco doing to this game? (another gaming plot rant)

Note: I am not a shipper. I detest shipping. However, this theory is actually pretty meaningful and probably correct, as you shall see from my rant :P

Before that though, I'll present my crazy random theory first: Scheherazade is the daughter of Link (from his guest character appearance in SC2) and Ivy. Yeeeepp...

Anyways, as I was browsing for new info on Soul Calibur 4 today, I came across this post. To summarize:

  • Siegfried is based on the Norse hero Sigurd (known as Siegfried in the German epic poem)

  • Namco have been using Sigurd for inspiration. Examples include:

    • Sigurd killing the dragon Fafnir --> Siegfried killing Fafnir in SC Legends
    • Sigurd having a sword named Gram --> One of Sieg's weapons is a sword named Glam

  • Now, this is the important part. Sigurd falls in love with Brynhildr. She's also known as Brünnhilde. BrünnHILDE.

  • What we know so far about Hilde in SC4 is that she met up with Siegfried at some point (it really doesn't say much more than that). However, in Sieg's bio, it mentions a "figure he could possibly call a new friend." Also, someone is apparently trying to become his ally:
    Someone's calling. However, he can't understand it well. He gazed. He saw nothing....It called again. This time, it was clearly audible.
    "Already, you don't accept me as an ally?"
    "But, nobody wants to get involved with me. Those who were involved with me...everyone died or ended possessed. Therefore, just leave. Forget me."
    The voice answered. His consciousness lost focus and blurs, and someone else speaks from behind.
    "I have seen your deeds. And now, you regret those crimes and lives only to atone for them....Aren't you too a victim of that sword?"
    "No...even if those words provided comfort, I did nothing to stop those crimes. For that...having injured my father, that I did it myself. The cursed sword was not involved."
    This new friend and ally could very well refer to Hilde. Plus, Hilde IS pretty much the female equivalent of Sieg with the whole full plate look.

  • So yeah, very, very possible Sieg/Hilde pairing here, which raises a few questions...

    • Did...did they design Hilde specifically to be Siegfried's love interest? O__o
    • WTH is gonna happen in SC4?
    • Or SC5 for that matter? If Sieg and Hilde settle down at the end of this, my guess is that neither will be in SC5 and they'll hafta be replaced by other characters. Or maybe this is Namco's way of tying up loose ends and ending the Soul Calibur series at 4 O_O
    • What happened to the Soul Calibur that had none of this lovey crap? Or Star Wars guest characters? Or elvish guest characters? T___T
*grumbles* I blame Kilik and Xianghua for starting this... -_-

EDIT: Huh...looks like I was right about the thing about Hilde as the potential ally, someone summarized her bio :P
"And its one heck of a bio (LAAAAAAAAARGEST BIO EVER), and personally I like it a lot. It has everything: a daughter swearing upon his crazy dad victory, flashbacks to her days of peace and desires to return to them, a small girl taking up a whole kingdom's sake and missing her whole childhood training for it, a bath scene, a minor character from Siegfried's background history making a long-awaited (by me atleast) appearance, an army assembled at dawn and ready to war, apparent connections between the founding of the kingdom and a certain holy blade, and Siegfried acting his usual self and rejecting Hilde's help."
Things to note:
  • WTH bath scene?
  • A "minor character from Siegfried's background history" - perhaps his mommy Margaret? The one who's still alive and probably has no idea where her son is? And is therefore probably worried sick and is trying to find him?
  • "Apparent connections between the founding of the kingdom and a certain holy blade" - Namco DID say they were gonna talk more about the king who once wielded Soul Edge (and was strong enough not to become corrupted) and who created Soul Calibur. Maybe Hilde's kingdom = founded from that king's old kingdom?

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Dude... CRAZY RANT! (But interesting... interesting indeed...)