Tuesday, April 17, 2007

<3 Arsenal

Arsenal 3-1 Manchester City

Not bad :D And Fabregas scored again! Hope he keeps it up now that he's finally started :P As always, pictures:

Teams training before the game (Arsenal on far end of field)

In front of Arsenal's goal (you can tell the sun set between this and the first pic :P)

Pretty crappy picture of Fabregas and Rosicky (who both scored ^__^) taking a corner near where I was sitting

The final score, WOOT!

Well, that's the last game I get to watch T_____T For a few years, at least...

I'll be back, though! I swear I'll come back to London and watch them play again! RAAAAAAAA!!!

(probably gonna go back to the stadium one more time before I leave to buy more merchandise too <_<)

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