Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Mini Continuation Rant

Okay, at first I just thought that Roxas looking like Ven (I'm calling him that cause it's easier to type) might be a coincidence. Cause Squeenix DOES make a lot of blonde, spiky-haired characters. But, yeah:

Exactly the same hairstyle, eyes, nose, etc. That's definately Roxas. Or is Roxas definately Ven?

In my bout of insomnia last night, I remembered some dialogue from KHII that might explain why Roxas looks the way he does :P

From the scene where Naminé and Roxas talk to each other near the end of the game:

Roxas: You said we'd meet again, but when we did, we might not recognize each other.
Naminé: I did, didn't I?
Roxas: But I knew you.
Naminé:'s strange.
Roxas: I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me. And you see yourself the way I remember you.

So Roxas' appearance comes from how Naminé remembers him! And for some reason, Naminé remembers him as Ven.

Now, the only connection between Naminé and Ven so far is that they were both in Castle Oblivion, Naminé during KH: Chain of Memories and Ven (or what's left of him) being stored in the "Room of Awakening".

That's all I got so far =/

And yeah, I'm crazy.

Poor Roxas, though...His entire being basically belongs to Sora and now not even his appearance is really his :P

EDIT: Another idea - Roxas looks like Ven cause Ven's related to Sora somehow. So Sora's Nobody just took the appearance of someone like Sora and having the same blood as him, but not actually him :P

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